The Unman Speaks: Comics Look in the Mirror

The progressive news site Truthout has just featured a comics-related news item: in fact, a comic about comics by Sarah Becan and Anne Elizabeth Moore.  These creators have been probing — and using comics as a medium to express — statistics about gender and race in comics: who the makers are, how much money they get, what sorts of people get represented in comics.  Fascinating issues.

The comic itself, apart from its content, is pleasant to look at — the sort of modest, cartoony style that most of us, with a little patience and TLC, can produce.  Graphically, it’s a bit too static or repetitive for my taste — people standing about, talking, holding a mirror.   I wonder if the content could have been staged with more graphic punch — as was done in an earlier strip in the series (art by Nicole Boyett).

In any case: worth a look, and worth a ponder.

Penny for your thoughts?